La Comedia's "Lunch & Learn" Children's Theatre's is a fun way to give kids their first "Taste of Broadway."
All Lunch and Learn Children's Theatre tickets come with a hotdog, apple sauce, chips, cookie & a juice box.
(Lunch is not served at Broadway Star Academy performances.

The True Story of the 3 Little Pigs
April 8,9,12,14,15,16,19, 2025
All tickets are $12* (not including $5 processing fee) and come with lunch!
This time the Big Bad Wolf gets to tell his side of the story — but do you believe him? Bring your reporter’s notebook and have fun solving this wacky whodunit.
Based on the wildly popular book, it would be a crime to miss it!
Due to limited seating availability, online ticket sales are only available for Saturday matinees. Please call the box office to place other reservations.

Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
September 30,
October 1,4,6,7,8,11, 2025
All tickets are $12* (not including $5 processing fee) and come with lunch!
This delightful adaptation of the popular book brings one of America’s feistiest characters to the stage.
Young audiences will identify with Alexander’s struggles and learn that everybody has bad days sometimes.
Due to limited seating availability, online ticket sales are only available for Saturday matinees. Please call the box office to place other reservations.
Camp Comedia
registration will begin may 1, 2025
9:00 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Camp Comedia 2024 is going to be a fun-filled summer, battling the Princes and Princesses against the Villains and Villainesses. An epic showcase will conclude camp with songs highlighting both good and evil.
Can good and evil come together and get along? Be a part of La Comedia Dinner Theatre’s summer camp to find out!!
Cost: $160 (includes T-shirt)
Only box office and mail registrations accepted. Space is limited.

Broadway Star Academy